Natal Fitness Online PostNatal Program Information

The Early PostNatal 6 Week Program

What is it?

The first program on the Natal Fitness platform is the Early PostNatal 6 Week Program. This program has everything you need to recover and heal your body following the delivery of your baby.

This 6 Week Program is a fully online postpartum specific rehabilitation and recovery program that you can complete from the comfort of your own home. Everything you need is all in one place on the Natal Fitness website.

This program is designed as a prerequisite for any postpartum return to exercise program, meaning that if you complete this 6-week program you will have set yourself up well to engage in any return to exercise program (such as the PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program (online) or the Reconnect & Rebuild Mum & Baby Fitness Course (in-person).

Who is it for?

The Early PostNatal 6 Week Program is for any new mum who has not already completed a postpartum specific rehabilitation and recovery program.

There is a common misconception that new mums should not take part in any exercise prior to their 6-week check-up with their GP.

The truth is that you can partake in gentle and restorative stretching and movement that will help support your recovery, and it is a great benefit if this movement is introduced under the guidance of a fully qualified Pre- and Postnatal Coaching Specialist.

This program is for those new mums who want to move but are not quite sure of what they can or cannot do.

The program is also for mums who are a little further along in the postpartum stage, and who want to ensure reconnection between their core and pelvic floor, and rebuilding foundational movement patterns prior to returning to exercise.

When can I start?

You can begin the program as soon as you feel ready to start moving your body again following pregnancy and birthing your baby.

For some women who have had straightforward vaginal deliveries, this may be within the first few days to a week after giving birth.

For other women, they may be ready to begin the program at 2, 4 or even 6 months after giving birth.

There is no set time as to when you should start the program, whenever you decide to begin will be completely individual to you.

As the program is fully online, this means that you can purchase and start the program at any time that suits you through the Essential Packing (without coaching). The Premium Package (with coaching) opens on the first Monday of each new month.

What is involved in the program?

The Early PostNatal 6 Week Program is specifically designed to help you recover and start moving again post-birth. There are 3 phases, each phase lasting two weeks long.

Phase 1 (weeks 1 & 2) is limited to performing very short periods of light walking and practicing your Connection Breath, which you will receive instructional videos on how to do. For this reason, many women who have had uncomplicated vaginal deliveries will be able to begin this program within a few days to a week after delivering. If you can’t begin that soon, that is fine too. Listen to your body and trust how you are feeling, and you can begin the program whenever you feel ready to do so.

Phase 2 (weeks 3 & 4) will introduce gentle and restorative movement, which you will be guided on how to perform, again using instructional videos. You will have a follow-along class that takes you through the workouts from start to finish, so all you have to do is press play and perform the exercises alongside me as I talk you through exactly what to do, so there really is minimal thinking on your part.

Phase 3 (weeks 5 & 6) will introduce a new set of exercises and a new follow-along class video.

These “workouts” will likely not feel like workouts, as they are designed to be no more strenuous than everyday tasks you will already be doing. But the benefits of these workouts, is that they are intentional movement for you to include in your day, that are focused on rehabilitating your core and retraining your motor patterns.

Although the exercises are seemingly quite “easy”, the form and technique and the use of your connection breath in each exercise is so important. Performing these exercises correctly in a slow and controlled manner, during this really critical stage of recovery will really stand to you in the long run. So, for that reason I also have included separate demonstrational videos that go into great detail of each of the exercises and the necessary cues that will ensure you are performing these exercises in the right way.

The Early PostNatal 6 Week Program

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PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program

What is it?

The second postpartum program on the Natal Fitness platform is the PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program.

This program is designed to follow on from the Early PostNatal 6 Week Program, and it builds on the progress you have made during your early rehab and recovery stage.

Having said that, it is not a specific requirement that you have to have completed the Early PostNatal 6 Week program before you do the 12-week program. It would be preferable, but there are additional recommendations within the 12-week program if you have not already completed a rehab and recovery program.

Like the 6-week program, this 12-week program is fully online and you can complete the program from the comfort of your own home, in your own time, at your own pace.

Who is it for?

This program is for any mum who wants to return to exercise post-birth. You might be 6 weeks post birth and, in that case, it is a good idea to do the Early PostNatal 6 Week Program first, and then progress to the 12-week program.

Or you could be 2, 3 or even 4 years post birth, and you just might not have gotten around to getting back to exercise. That is totally understandable given the new set of priorities that you have.

So, if you are anywhere in between 6 weeks to 6 years post-birth, and you have not yet done a return to exercise program then this could be the one for you.

This 12-week program enables you to transition to more regular exercise and activities in a safe and effective way. By partaking in this program, you will continue to work with your body in order to allow it to heal, while also challenging it in a way that will empower you to handle the daily tasks and activities of motherhood with ease. You will gain a knowledge and trust in your own body and its capabilities.

This program follows a similar foundation and ethos to that of the Reconnect & Rebuild Mum & Baby Fitness Course, which is the in-person course that Aoife runs monthly from BC Fitness in Ballyjamesduff town and Elite Fitness in Cavan town. If neither of these locations are accessible to you, then the PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program would be ideal for you.

When can I start?

You must be at least 6 weeks post vaginal delivery or at least 10 weeks post Caesarean birth, and in both cases, you must have been cleared by your GP, to return to exercise.

Having said that, there is no obligation for you begin this program at 6 or 10 weeks postpartum. You could be 6 months or even 6 years postpartum and you may still benefit from completing this program.

Again, as the program is fully online, this means that you can purchase and start the program at any time that suits you through the Essential Packing (without coaching). The Premium Package (with coaching) opens on the first Monday of each new month.

What is involved in the program?

The PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program is specifically designed to meet you where you are at in your postpartum journey.

Each week you will receive two new strength training classes for that week. I also have these two strength training classes split up into two shorter classes, so that means that you can choose to do the longer classes twice a week or the shorter classes 4 times a week, so you do whichever option suits you best.

Each week the classes become progressively more challenging than the last. So, that means that the intensity and volume of the workouts will increase gradually over time, in a safe and effective way.

The main exercises will remain the same with new progressions each week. The accessory exercises will change so you will never get bored. For all of the exercises there are different levels, so you will work at a level that is right for you.

3 Training Phases

The program is divided up into 3 training phases, each phase lasting 4 weeks long.

Phase 1 (weeks 1 to 4) is limited to the two strength training classes per week, with some daily walking and movement also recommended. As mentioned in the previous section, these two strength training classes are split up into two shorter classes as well, so that means that you can choose to do the longer classes twice a week or the shorter classes 4 times a week, so you do whichever option suits you best.

Phase 2 (Weeks 5 to 8), will continue with the strength training classes, and these will have gotten a little bit more intense with a higher volume, and we will introduce one moderate intensity cardio session to your weekly routine during Phase 2.

Phase 3 (Weeks 9 to 12) will continue with the strength training classes, and again there will be an increase in the intensity and volume of these workouts, with the addition of a finisher at the end of each workout. We will also be introducing one higher intensity cardio session to your weekly routine, during Phase 3.

PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program

Click the link below to secure your place today

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Both Programs

What else is included?

In both of the programs, you will also receive additional information about other postpartum topics such as the benefits of attending a Pelvic Health Physiotherapist, and I will share information on other aspects of motherhood such as stress management, baby blues and postpartum depression, and tips on sleep.

Over the course of both programs, you will also receive postpartum specific nutritional guidance as you progress through the weeks. This will take the form of a habit-based approach to ensure you are getting good nutrition from your food choices and eating behaviours. This will also be a non-diet approach to nutrition and will be HAES aligned.

Premium package only: You will have a weekly check-in with me on a day of your choice, where you can voice any concerns, ask any questions, or just have a good old rant, if that is what you need. You’re contact with me is not limited to these weekly check-ins – you can WhatsApp message or voice note me any day, at any time and she will always do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.

Premium package only: One of the unique aspects of my programs is that I offer the facility of exercise form and technique assessment. What this means is that you have the option to send me a video of you performing any particular exercise and I will offer feedback to help you perfect your form and technique.

The workouts are entirely prerecorded and this is intentional. I have designed the programs in this way so that you don’t have to stick to anyone’s schedule other than your own, and your baby’s. While using prerecorded workouts is great, there is a downside in that I am not standing over you, watching you preform the exercise (as I would be for the in-person classes), and it is for this reason that I insist on my clients using the facility of exercise form and technique assessment if they are unsure of any exercise or they just want me to check their form.

What will I need to complete the programs?

You will need a smart device such as your phone, tablet, or laptop to access the programs and watch the videos.

The equipment you will need is a yoga mat, a kitchen chair, a long resistance band, a mini-band or loop band, a set of light dumbbells and a pillow or cushion.

How long will I have access to the programs?

Participants will have access to the 6-week program for 6 months with the Premium package and 3 months with the Essential package. Participants of the 12-week program will have access for 9 months with the Premium package or 5 months with the Essential package. There is no obligation for you to start the program from when you purchase. You can sign up and once you have viewed the content you may decide to take a week or two before you begin.

Equally, you may find that completing Phase 1 of either program was absolutely fine and no hassle for you, but you may not be ready to progress to Phase 2 when the time comes. That is absolutely fine and, in that case, you would continue with Phase 1 until you feel ready to move on to Phase 2.

If that sounds in anyway confusing or overwhelming then don’t worry, because I will be there with you every step of the way, facilitating your journey, guiding and helping you to make those decisions.

The goals of the Natal Fitness Programs

The main goals of the Natal Fitness Programs are:

  1. Restoring function and strength to your core and pelvic floor,
  2. Being pain free,
  3. Feeling good, and,
  4. To ensure that your body is strong and functioning well.

If these goals sound like the kind of thing you would like to achieve then the next step is to sign up to the programs.

The programs are available to purchase through the Essential package at any time. I open spaces on the programs to new clients through the Premium package on first Monday of each new month, so keep an eye on my Instagram page to see when the next intake of clients will be.

If you have any questions at all, please send me a message on Instagram ( or email me on [email protected]


As outlined throughout this page, there are higher and lower support options available.

The higher support option is offered through the Premium package, which provides coaching through weekly check-ins and WhatsApp access to me. This will be a collaborative coaching relationship in which you will have full autonomy to decide the pace at which you progress through the programs with guidance and expertise from me in order to inform your decisions. Each week we will assess your progress, before deciding whether to move on to the next phase.

The lower support option is offered through the Essential package. You will still have access to all of the content of the programs (all of the essentials) but there is no coaching with this option so it is ideal for those who work well on their own. The Essential package is also a good option for those on a budget as it gives access to the programs at a significantly reduced rate.

Just because there is no coaching with the Essential package, that does not mean that you can't contact me if you have questions. You can contact me at any time, there just won't be the same structured contact and coaching that comes with the Premium package.

The investment for the Early PostNatal 6 Week Program will be a one-off payment of

€120 for the Premium package


€60 for the Essential package.

The PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program is will be available to purchase via 3 monthly instalments of

€150 per 4-week block for the Premium package


€75 per 4-week block for the Essential package.