€75,00 EUR

3 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Online Waiver

Through the purchase of the PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program by Natal Fitness, I have agreed to voluntarily participate in an exercise program, including but not limited to, strength training, flexibility, mobility and balance development under the guidance of Natal Fitness and its trainer. I hereby stipulate and agree that I am physically and mentally sound and currently have no physical conditions that would be aggravated in my involvement in this exercise program.

I understand that the exercises provided within this program include progressions to help me safely transition into more intense exercise. I agree that if I feel discomfort or pain at any time while partaking in exercise, it is my responsibility to stop immediately and seek medical advice/assistance.

I have consulted with a licensed physician, GP or public health nurse, and notified them of my intention to participate in this program. I had a vaginal delivery and I have been cleared by doctor for returning to exercise at my 6-week check-up or I had a c-section delivery and I have been cleared by my doctor for returning to exercise at minimum 10 weeks post-birth.

I understand and am aware that physical fitness activities and, including the use of equipment, are potentially hazardous activities. I am aware that participating in these activities, even when completed correctly with proper form and technique, can be dangerous and that accidents can happen. I am aware of the potential risks associated with these types of activities, including but not limited to: death, fainting, disorders in heartbeat, neck and spinal injury; injury to bones, joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons, and other parts of the musculoskeletal system; and serious injury or impairment to other aspects of my body, general health, and well-being.

I understand that I am responsible for my own medical insurance and will assume any and all medical expenses that are not covered by my own health coverage or insurance. I will notify Natal Fitness of any significant injury that requires medical attention for information purposes only, attaching no blame to Natal Fitness.

I understand that Natal Fitness will take precautions to ensure safe training practice, however, I explicitly assume and accept sole responsibility for my safety and for any and all injuries that may occur howsoever arising. I am satisfied with this document and where necessary have sought proper legal advice.

In consideration and acceptance of this entry, I, for myself and for my executors, administrators, and assigns, waive and release any and all claims against Natal Fitness, including owner and all staff, howsoever arising and agree to hold them harmless from any claims or losses, including but not limited to claims for negligence for any and all injuries or expenses that I may incur. These exculpatory clauses are intended to apply to any and all activities occurring during the time for which I have contracted with Natal Fitness, and outside of that time where I engage in any element of any program provided by Natal Fitness.

Terms & Conditions

By accepting Natal Fitness Terms of Agreement, you are agreeing to the following and signing this cover document to confirm same:

  1. I understand and agree that no refunds are given for program purchases made through Natal Fitness. I understand and agree that no refunds are given on any equipment or products and all sales are final.
  2. I understand and agree that it is my responsibility to engage with any program purchases made through Natal Fitness.
  3. I understand that the Natal Fitness programs are delivered online and I agree that it is my responsibility to have a smartphone, laptop or electronic tablet in order to participate in the programs.
  4. I understand that the PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program uses a long resistance band, a mini-band/loop band and dumbbells for some exercises and I agree that it is my responsibility to obtain said equipment or go without.

By completing and electronically signing this form, and participating in the Natal Fitness PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program, you agree with above statements.


PostNatal Return to Exercise 12 Week Training Program (Essential)

This program is a fully online postpartum specific return to exercise program. You can complete the program from the comfort of your own home.

(Coaching is not included with the Essential package - this is a self-guided program, please ensure to follow all recommendations within the program)

What you'll get:

  • Two new strength training classes each week. These are follow-along classes where you just press play and go.
  • Progressions to help you safely transition to more intense exercise.
  • Guidance on walking and the addition of Moderate Intensity and Higher Intensity Cardio to your weekly routine in Phase 2 and 3.
    • Phase 1: (Weeks 1 to 4) 2 new strength training classes each week
    • Phase 2: (Weeks 5 to 8) 2 new strength training classes each week + weekly moderate intensity cardio session
    • Phase 3: (Weeks 9 to 12) 2 new strength training classes each week + weekly higher intensity training session
  • Guidance on gentle nutrition to support your postpartum recovery.
  • Additional information on other postpartum topics to help you successfully navigate this role of motherhood while showing compassion and kindness towards yourself.
  • Access to the program for 5 months with Essential package.

Not included with Essential package (Available with Premium package):

  • Weekly individualised check-ins with your Postnatal Coaching Specialist
  • Personalised support with your circumstances accounted for
  • Daily access to coach Aoife via WhatsApp
  • Exercise form and technique assessment

Upgrade to Premium package here (includes coaching)

What People Are Saying:

I have just completed the PostNatal Return to exercise 12 week training program. Having taken part in the Early PostNatal 6 week program, this felt like the logical next step for me in my postpartum exercise journey. I am really happy with how the program is structured with easy to follow along videos and plenty of extra information throughout. What really sets this program apart however, is Aoife. She has a completely mother centred approach throughout and her unwavering support, understanding, knowledge and compassion is something that I will truly never forget. Aoife gets that life sometimes gets in the way and actively encouraged me to rest when I needed to. There was no pressure or strict time frame to adhere to. The check ins were completely individualised to my needs and not a one size fits all approach which I really appreciated. Postpartum can be such a vulnerable time and having Aoife in my corner as I transitioned to being a mother of two under two has been incredible. I have no hesitation in recommending Natal Fitness and the PostPartum Return to Exercise program.

Maria, Mum of two, Laois